Monday, January 16, 2017


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Well, we haven't had much snow yet but when we do, please keep a few things in mind. Students must have snow-pants, boots, jackets, hats and gloves in order to play in the snow. Also, students will generally go outside during recess. Please make sure students have hats, gloves and jackets available to keep warm. On some of the "warmer" winter days, I always instruct students that if Mom or Dad sent them with a jacket, they must wear it outside. Let me know if you have any questions! 

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We have begun immigrating to America! Students have started their journey from Russia, Poland, Italy, Ireland and Germany and we are planning to arrive at Ellis Island on February 16, 2017. Please mark this date on your calendar. We will be looking for many parent volunteers. This is a fun and educational day and would love to have you be a part of it! 

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Please have students practice their addition and subtraction math facts-if they are not yet fluent with them. Students should also be practicing their multiplication and division math facts as well.