Friday, September 11, 2015

We have finished another week ! The students and I have continued to get to know each other, as well as continuing to learn and practice the rules and routines of Lincoln Street School and the classroom. The students are doing a great job and are working hard!

This week we began both our math homework and our spelling homework routine. Moving forward, students will typically have one page of math homework and one page of spelling homework, each night, Monday - Thursday. The math homework will consist of continued practice of that day's lesson. The spelling homework can range from ABC order, to writing sentences, word boxes, crosswords or word finds. Homework should be returned the following day. Students should also be free reading for 15 minutes a night and working toward mastery of their addition and subtraction math facts. Thank you for your support on homework. If you have an questions about homework or it is a struggle for your child to complete, please reach out and let me know!

We began our unit on Maps and Globes. The students have been learning the cardinal directions and have created a compass rose! We will continue learning about the continents, the oceans, hemispheres and poles.

Our reading groups should begin within the next week or so. In the meantime, we have been reading about Johnny Appleseed and Pecos Bill. We have been reviewing and learning strategies for close reading and have worked together to answer some comprehension questions.

Thank you again to all who have sent in money for Scholastic News! If you have not, I am still accepting $6.53 for each subscription.

I will be sending home directions today about making a person book. In class we will work to write All About Me poems to place on the inside of our person. We hope to have these ready for open house.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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